Step 1 - Java Runtime Environment
To continue any further you need to make sure you have Java Runtime Environment installed (Link)
Step 2 - Install Vanilla 1.7.10
To install forge, you need to have the Vanilla version of the game on your system first
After the profile is created, select it as your active profile and run the game at least once
Step 3 - Install Forge 1.7.10
Now it's time to install forge (Link)
Step 4 - Install Mods
Download the modpack as a zip (Link) (Full Mod List)
Unzip it into your .minecraft modsfolder, you can find it by typing %appdata% in the Windows search bar or going to \C:\Users\-User-\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\mods
If there is no "mods" folder, just create one, then unzip the modpack inside
Step 5 - Launch & Join
With the forge client is installed, repeat Step 2, but instead of selecting the vanilla release, select the newly installed 1.7.10-Forge release
Boot the bad boy up and make sure everything is working
Join the server at MC.BravoSierra.XYZ
If you have any graphical issues, refer to here